A Best Practices Toolkit for
Community-Led Textile Reuse
Clothing swaps are popular and versatile events that can be run in a living room with friends, at an events venue with hundreds of participants, or integrated into other community events. They are primarily run by nonprofits and community organizations, with a few examples of those led by, or in partnership with, municipalities.
Clothing swaps can help to divert textiles from landfill while optimising charitable benefits and shifting mindsets.
Costs of a clothing swap might include: Rental/permit fees for the swap location, purchasing and/or rental of supplies, printing of promotional materials (e.g., posters), event day signage, paid advertising (social media, event listings, etc.), and staff time (if applicable).
Even a small clothing swap often results in numerous leftover garments, providing an excellent opportunity for donation to a charity collector. Contact a NACTR member in advance of the event to schedule a pickup of the remaining items, or locate the nearest NACTR member donation drop-off center and deliver the items during collection hours
Options for guidelines are:
Some options for health and safety measures:
Clothing swaps are easily replicable! There are many resources, toolkits, and how-to guides available to support uptake by more nonprofits, community organisations and local governments across Canada.