Note: CWMA’s base operating budget relies on event revenue and member fees in equal measure: we are grateful for your support!
Workshop pricing has been kept low to ensure everyone can attend, but if the price is still a barrier for you to participate, please be in touch with us.
Differential pricing options for students and non-profits is available.
CWMA uses the Zoom Platform for events.
Dial-in option is available but participants must confirm the dial-in phone number to be admitted to the event.
Details on how it will all work will be sent in advance.
Tracy holds a M.Sc in Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, is a 3x TEDx speaker and an award-winning author of the personal sustainability guidebook, Your Green Family Blueprint. She is the founder of Sustainable Living School, an online, on-demand education platform focused on providing sustainable living guidance for individuals to accelerate their positive impacts from home. Tracy transitioned from a career in geology in 2007 into sustainability roles and brings a diverse background of experience that includes corporate social responsibility reporting, training & education, and sales & marketing roles in the mining, engineering, manufacturing and food industries. She is passionate about the power of community to come together around common problems & to find solutions for the creation of a sustainable society & healthy planet.
Emily is an experienced Vancouver-based Consultant working in sustainability and innovation for systems change. Since earning her Bachelor of Bioresource Engineering, she has specialized in two main fields: waste prevention and resource recovery especially for organics recycling (composting), and the grassroots evolution of collaborative structures for organizational and network governance. It’s this governance focus that brings her to the Textile Lab for Circularity, where she’s on board as the team’s Collaboration Strategist, with overall project management, bookkeeping, contract and agreement creation among her core tasks. Highlights of her other roles and experience include solid waste management planning, waste auditing, waste prevention education, and co-founding and administering an international field testing program for compostable foodware with BSIbio. Since 2015 she has fostered community-based projects in sustainability, circular economy and regenerative systems design, in particular Master Recycler Vancouver and the Living Systems Network.